
South Bend Watches of various grades that have passed through our hands.

South Bend grades are extremely predictable and range from 100 to 431.

The first number refers to the size of the watch1: 0s or 6s, 2: 16s, 3: 18s, and 4: 12s.

The third number tells you the type of movement — even for hunting case movement and odd for open-face movement.

For example, grade 292 would be a 16s hunting movement, whereas grade 411 would be a 12s open-face.

6 watches

1926 South Bend Watch 914DE505-1E4C-4345-8EFA-E0D4ED1ECCEC.JPG

All Watches

Every watch that I've got my hands on at one point or another filtered by years, grades, jewels and sizes.
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