All Railroads know the accuracy of The Watch with the Purple Ribbon

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SOUTH BEND RAILROAD WATCHES are specified as standard on every railroad system in America.

Many a crack limited and many a fast freight owes a share of its on-time reputation to the dependable South Bend Watch in the pocket of its engineer.

In every branch of railroad service South Bend Watches are setting notable timing records. Conductors, engineers, firemen, brakemen, teleg-raphers, dispatchers, signal men have all found South Bend Watches unusually accurate over a long period of service. Time inspectors will tell you that they know of no watches which rate more satisfactorily week in and week out.

Among the most popular South Bend Railroad Watches is grade 227. This 16 size, 21 jewel railroad timepiece is known for its accuracy wherever the railroads run. Yet its price is very moderate. Other reliable models are also furnished and any of them can be had as complete watches or fitted to your own case, as you desire.

All South Bend Watches are furnished in a wide variety of cases and dials of most modern design. Our perfected Da-Nite luminous dials show time in the dark as plainly as in daylight.

The same insistence on close-timing standards that has made South Bend Railroad Watches famous is responsible for the accuracy of every watch that wears the purple.

Extra-Thin Chesterfields for business and professional men; the 19-jewel 4 position watch for the man who wants the greatest watch accuracy and beauty $36.75 can buy and other desirable models at almost any price you wish to pay.

See your jeweler and write us for "A Book of Beautiful Watches"


16 Studebaker Street : South Bend, Indiana

For Years, Makers of Standard Railroad Watches

South Bend
The Watch with the Purple Ribbon

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