The Watch of Amazing Records

The Watch of Amazing Records
The Watch of Amazing Records

If you're thinking of buying a watch note this:

A South Bend Watch in one owner's pocket has varied but 30 seconds in 19,440,000-or in 7½ months running.

A South Bend in a Twentieth Century Limited engineer's pocket, carried daily in a jolting locomotive, varied but 4 seconds in 25,920,000 -- a consecutive running of 10 months! This showed in a regular railroad inspection.

Another has lost but two seconds in five months. Hundreds of letters from South Bend owners tell of these astonishing feats.

All are due to precision in making the watch.

Six months are spent solely in producing the parts. The process includes 411 inspections.

Then the watch is run for a month under close observation, after a master-inspector O. K.'s it.

We will keep it a year, if need be, to make it attain our standard. If it doesn't "make good" it is scrap-heaped.

That's why it makes these records.
That's why the "cake of ice" trademark has become the most famous watch-mark in the world.

Read This Book.

Our book, "How Good Watches Are Made," tells all about this master time-piece. You ought to know what it teaches about watches in general. Just send a post card for it.

You can have a South Bend in a solid gold case for $75 and in less expensive cases at very reasonable prices.

South Bend Watch Cases are guaranteed for 20 years, 25 years and perma-nently. Each case carries a certificate of the amount of gold used.

South Bend Watch Co., South Bend, Indiana.


I thought you would be interested in a grade No. 217 which you shipped me about eleven weeks ago. It is the most wonderful watch I ever had in my possession.

This watch has not been set for eleven weeks. For seven weeks it has been O. K. every morning when I get time.
Not three seconds off or one second off but so close that I can catch no difference. I am carrying it in my pocket and give it no favors.

Yours very truly, 

J. M. Hughes
The South Bend Watch Company, 12 State St., South Bend, Ind.

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